Wrinkle Softening
There’s plenty to enjoy about growing older. As we age, we gain a clearer sense of self and priorities. As our pool of life experience grows, we know better what we’re looking for out of life and how to get it. We’re surer of who we are too – studies have shown that our self-esteem is highest as we age. There’s more time for ourselves too: as children fly the nest and we retire from our careers, we’re able to devote more time to developing ourselves and utilising free time. And, of course, age brings wisdom.
However, one thing that isn’t great about aging is wrinkles. As much as what’s inside improves, as our skin gets older it loses elasticity. And it’s that elasticity that gives our skin that firm, youthful appearance. This means that wrinkles will develop – particularly in the areas that we use more often. You’re probably familiar with wrinkles around your mouth and the infamous crows’ feet.
Fortunately, if you’re disheartened by facial wrinkles then there are options to reduce their impact. At Bank Street Dental, we can provide cosmetic treatments after a consultation aimed at improving the appearance of your skin.
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Wrinkle softening consultations
We can offer a consultation at our practice to discuss these options with you, including dermal fillers and injections of botulinum toxin A. At the consultation, we’ll examine you and determine a potential course of treatment. You can expect the effects of botulinum toxin injections to last 3-4 months. Dermal fillers will last 6-12 months. Hyaluronic acid is a component of the skin that reduces as we age. Our skin loses some structure and volume without it, so Hyaluronic acid fillers are a temporary way to restore a degree of fullness and smoothness to the skin. Each option will improve the smoothness of your skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and last for a few months.